The recent commemoration of the sixth anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks prompted many reporters to devote their newspaper columns to various stories related to this tragic event. Many of these articles described the memorial services held at locations throughout New York City or the annual fundraising events which have been organized in memory of a September 11th victim. One article by Andrea Boyarsky featured in the
Staten Island Advance, however, described a unique relationship which has developed between two families and has been made possible by the actions of a golden retriever.
The Horning family of Scotch Plains, New Jersey lost their 26-year-old son, Matthew, on September 11, 2001. During a memorial service at Ground Zero on October 28th of that same year, Mrs. Horning was approached by Jake, a golden retriever therapy dog, when he observed her distraught condition. After spending some time with the animal, Mrs. Horning spoke with his owners, Mr. and Mrs. Canzoneri of Huguenot, Staten Island. Mrs. Horning remarked that Jake's temperament was very similar to that of her son, Matthew's. The Canzoneris were so touched by Mrs. Horning and the tremendous burden of her grief, that they promised her they would name their next therapy dog after Matthew. The Canzoneris, together with Jake and Jessie, had worked extensively with volunteers and victims' families at Ground Zero; they were very familiar with the emotions being exhibited by Mrs. Horning.
When the Canzoneri family obtained another therapy dog several months later, they did not forget their promise to Mrs. Horning. The only obstacle was that they did not know her name nor how to get in touch with her. At the suggestion of a friend, they utilized a 9/11 legacy website to post a message to anyone who lost a son named Matthew. Fortunately, it did not take long for the two families to connect with each other.
The Canzoneris' new therapy dog was named "Matthew D. Horning II" in memory of the Hornings' son. He wears his namesake's picture around his neck when he is on duty as a member of "The Smile Retrievers". The families have since become friends and see each other socially.
Since Jake singled out Mrs. Horning from a large crowd of people at their initial meeting, she believes that perhaps her son, Matthew, played a role in bringing them together.
Andrea Boyarsky's article, "A Special Connection Brings Comfort", treated the anniversary of September 11, 2001 in a truly unique manner. Since I am an avid dog enthusiast, my gaze was initially attracted to the article by the photograph of the golden retriever which accompanied the article. As I began reading it, however, I realized it was a great deal more than merely a story about a dog. It was for these reasons and its uplifting message that it appealed to me.